Chausies are descended from wild Jungle Cats. Chausies are most often bred from Abyssinians. A Chausie can weigh up to 30 pounds! Some Chausies cannot digest cat food. The Chausie is also known as the Jungle Curl.
Related pages:
Chausie Rescue
Ohio Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)
Delaware County - Delaware, OH 43015 Humane Society of Delaware County 740-369-7387
Fayette County - Washington Court House, OH 43160 Fayette County Humane 740-335-8126
Franklin County - Columbus, Ohio 43214 Cat Welfare Association 614-268-6096
Franklin County - Dublin, OH 43235 RASCAL Unit 614-791-SPAY
Wyandot County - Upper Sandusky 43351 HOPE 419-294-4477
Wyandot County - Upper Sandusky 43351 Wyandot County Humane Society HOPE program 419-294-4477
Sandusky County - Fremont, Ohio 43420 Humane Society of Sandusky County 419-334-4517
Williams County - Whitehouse 43517 Planned Pethood 419-877-3499
Fulton County - Swanton, Ohio 43558 Planned Pethood 419-826-FIXX
Lucas County - Toledo 43615 United Humanitarians 419-475-1977
Geauga County - Russell Township 44072 Geauga Humane Society 440-338-4819
Cuyahoga County - Cleveland, Ohio 44113 City of Cleveland Kennel 216-664-2759
Portage County - Ravenna, OH 44266 Portage Animal Protective League 330-296-4022
Medina County - Sharon Center 44274 AlterPet Inc 330-321-6243
Richland County - Mansfield, Ohio 44907 Stop The Overpopulation of Pets Inc. 419 774-1738
Butler County - Middletown, Ohio 45042 Minimizing Animal Reproduction 513-465-3295
Hamilton County - Cincinnati, OH 45236 Scratching Post CatSNIP 513-984-6369
Greene County - Xenia 45385 Humane Society of Greene County 937-376-3001
Montgomery County - Kettering 45419 SICSA 937-294-6505
Angels County - Elida 45807 for Animals Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic 419-339-9408
If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.